From Our Weekly Note and More

eSports at the Olympics and more
Paul Dravis Paul Dravis

eSports at the Olympics and more

Comments from Tony Estanguet, co-president of the Paris 2024 Olympic bid committee. Telemundo broadcast all 16 hours of the FIFA Interactive World Cup. Market research firm Nielson announced a new eSports business unit.

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Paul Dravis Paul Dravis

On the Impact of Automation (Mark Zuckerberg, Best Buy, Retail and more)

While workplace automation is part of the pursuit of "faster/better/cheaper" solutions, current advances in robotics, artificial intelligence, etc may increase the pace of labor displacement.
Issues for technology, business and community leaders to address include 1) how worker adaptation will be managed 2) how broadly will economic benefits be distributed and 3) how educational systems adjust to marketplace changes. 

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