On Telehealth Innovation, Economic Impacts and the Pandemic
Photo by Marcelo Leal
Below are recent comments from World Health Organization, International Monetary Fund, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the Federal Communications Commission.From a World Health Organization (WHO) new conference, last week:
Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO head of emerging diseases and zoonosis unit:
“We are seeing more and more younger individuals who are experiencing severe disease …
"Some of those individuals have had underlying conditions, but some have not.
“But what we are seeing in some countries is that there are individuals who are in their 30s, who are in their 40s, who are in their 50s who are in ICU and who have died.”
Kristalina Georgieva, International Monetary Fund Managing Director (also at the WHO event):
“[The economic impact of this pandemic] is way more than during the global financial crisis, and some countries are highly dependent on commodities exports. With prices collapsing, they are hit yet again ...
“The same way that the virus hits vulnerable people with medical preconditions hardest, the economic crisis hits vulnerable economies the hardest …
"we will get through this, but how fast and how effectively will depend a lot upon the actions we take.”
On Telehealth Changes in the US:
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (March 18)
“with the emergence of the virus causing the disease COVID-19, there is an urgency to expand the use of technology to help people who need routine care, and keep vulnerable beneficiaries and beneficiaries with mild symptoms in their homes while maintaining access to the care they need. Limiting community spread of the virus, as well as limiting the exposure to other patients and staff members will slow viral spread …
"for the duration of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, Medicare will make payment for Medicare telehealth services furnished to patients in broader circumstances."
Ajit Pai, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman:
“As we self-isolate and engage in social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic, telehealth will continue to become more and more important across the country. Our nation’s health care providers are under incredible, and still increasing, strain as they fight the pandemic. My plan for the COVID-19 Telehealth Program is a critical tool to address this national emergency. "
NOTES: 1) The COVID-19 Telehealth Program provides $200 million to help health care providers purchase telecommunications services, information services, and devices during this emergency period. 2) The FFC is also developing the “Connected Care Pilot Program”, primarily focusing on low-income or veteran patients.
As the WHO and others comment on COVID-19's impact on people of all ages, it is important to manage asymptomatic exposures (those showing no symptoms) by physical distancing, face covering and hygiene.
Regarding the economic impact: Unfortunately, the stress is global - and may put extraordinary pressure on social and political infrastructures of both developed and emerging economies.
Regarding telehealth: While the comments above focus on COVID-19 related changes, these initiatives will likely lead to transformational changes in U.S. health care, including 1) medical services providers expanding their reach across the US and 2) new innovative therapeutic approaches that leverage sensors, smart devices, virtualization and more.